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to do good

Education is the ticket to a brighter future in Honduras. Our scholarship projects are designed to holistically build up scholars to be the next generation of leaders in their families, schools, and communities.


Our mission is to come alongside families, to provide them with the supplemental support and resources they need to to dream and thrive.  

Educational Scholarships

In short, we provide scholarships and supports for students in their educational journey, ensuring their diploma is always within reach. 


Education, both public and private, is not a free resource in Honduras. Costing between $250-$350/month, the majority of students fall short of continuing education past 6th grade. Just One scholarship programs address this cost barrier while investing in scholars' spiritual and emotional development. 


We aim to build up scholars to be well-rounded members of their families, schools, and communities. 

our holistic approach


high school graduates


increase in household income after a scholar graduates from Just One’s high school program.


increased graduation rate in our communities


of our graduates have continued on to high-paying jobs or higher education.


the impact

scholarships include

Registration Fees

Monthly Tuition Payments

Required for both public and private schools in Honduras. 

After-School Tutoring

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Extracurricular Activities

Biblical & Spiritual Counseling

Trauma Counseling

Dental Insurance

Medical Insurance

Family Financial Planning

Career Mentorship

Job Placement Coaching

Resume Building Workshops

Interview Training

Transportation Costs


“I want to be an example to my younger siblings and those around me. I want to encourage them to keep moving forward, to keep studying. I know that with Just One and God’s help, I’ll be able to achieve my goals and obtain a better future for me and my family.”

Nayley Mendez, Just One Next Steps Scholar


We believe in hand-ups and not handouts at Just One. To retain their scholarship, scholars must maintain an average of 80% in all their classes, attend weekly Bible studies, participate in after-school programs, and complete a set number of community service hours throughout the school year. We are committed to empowering scholars to be the architects of their success. 

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parent involvement

Parents play a vital role in their child's education. Scholarships require parents to contribute a minimum of $4/month to a fund dedicated to their scholar's future educational needs. This money is available to the scholar after they graduate from high school.


average pay for a
10-12 hour workday


average monthly
high school tuition

7 years

average age children start working in coffee fields


children ages 15-17
attend school


breaking cycles of poverty

This is what drives families into poverty. These are the cycles we are committed to breaking.

get involved

You have an opportunity to be directly involved in a scholar's future by signing up for Just One's Sponsor a Scholar Program. When you sign up to sponsor, you are paired with a Just One scholar to support through middle school, high school, and, in some cases, college.


We need you to support the change happening in Honduras. Start building a brighter future today. 


check out our graduates

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